Anna Ortiz SpencerInvincibility+Avoidance=Denial (My Silent Midlife Crisis)Silence is the most powerful scream. — AnonymousJul 23, 2018Jul 23, 2018
Anna Ortiz SpencerIs It Hot in Here or Am I Just Dying? (My Silent Midlife Crisis, Part II)Amazing women don’t have hot flashes. We have power surges. –Author UnknownSep 4, 2018Sep 4, 2018
Anna Ortiz SpencerCountry Cardio or When Introverts Exercise (My Silent Midlife Crisis, Part III)Country music is three chords and the truth. –Harlan Howard, songwriterOct 3, 2018Oct 3, 2018
Anna Ortiz SpencerNostalgia is a B — (My Silent Mid-Life Crisis, Part IV)The funny thing about chasing the past is that most people wouldn’t know what to do with it if they caught it. — Atticus, poetJan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019